
Changing Hair Colors: How To Dye Your Hair Without Damaging It - Salon Privé Magazine

Dye has always been popular among women, especially those who start to have silver strands show up. Recently, many people have taken the concept to a whole new level, creating out-of-the-box looks and makeovers using creative dye techniques.

If you’re considering changing your hair colour on your own, you have got a lot to learn to grasp the technique and not ruin your hair, as it takes a lot more than just applying colour to your scalp and rinsing it off 30 minutes later.

There are important factors you have to consider before dying your hair with your preferred shade. On that note, read on to find out how to give your hair a makeover without damaging it.

Changing Hair Colors: How To Dye Your Hair Without Damaging It

Do Pre-colour Treatment

Even though going for a new colour is fun and trendy, the dyeing process involves harsh chemicals that can damage your hair and make it dull-looking. To stay on the safe side, apply treatment before dying. A pre-colour treatment makes your hair smooth and shiny and prepares it for better results, ensuring an even colour distribution. Make sure to use protein-rich treatments as they work on reducing porosity and smoothening your locks, making them able to absorb the colour better. Additionally, applying a restorative product helps to repair and restore your strands to avoid further damage.

Know The Right Developer

If you’re looking forward to an extreme makeover in which using bleach is inevitable, learn more about developers beforehand. A developer is a creamy product mixed with bleach powder or dye to make your hair lighter. For example, if you’re a brunette with a darker tone and want to go blonde, you will have to use a 30 or 40-volume developer. However, if it is already light and you need to lift it only to one or two levels, a 20-volume developer should do the trick. Using a higher volume will do nothing but cause damage and probably make them fall off. The higher the developer is, the more damage it causes, although with the right application technique and proper treatments, you can still achieve a healthy new look.

Furthermore, if the previous colour was turquoise or blue, you will need to use bleach to get rid of the blue tint, regardless of whether the dye used was non-permanent or not. There are several methods and tricks on how to remove blue hair dye, including natural methods using vitamin C and baking soda. Although if you opt to use bleach, you have to pay attention to how long you leave the bleach on. Leaving it for too long can make your hair fall off and cause drastic damage. Most products advise not to leave it on longer than 40 minutes, so make sure to follow that.

Use Ammonia-Free Dye

Changing Hair Colors: How To Dye Your Hair Without Damaging It

One of the most important things you should do when using dye is using ammonia-free colour. Although ammonia helps to open up your cuticles, allowing the colour to set better on your cortex, it still breaks down the outer layer, making it vulnerable and more prone to damage. Use an ammonia-free dye that contains different chemicals that work on transferring the colour without damaging it. Make sure to use a product that contains oils and other vitamins that don’t make your coils lose moisture during the colouring process.

Apply Conditioners and Masks

Applying pre-colour treatments is not enough to avoid split ends or damage. You should apply hydrating masks as well at least once a week to provide you with the moisture you need to look healthy. Additionally, never skip regular deep-conditioning to restore volume and structure. You can also go for oil treatment by applying a variety of nourishing oils to your scalp, mids, and ends and wrap it in a plastic cover for no less than 20 minutes.

Take A Heat-Styling Break

Changing Hair Colors: How To Dye Your Hair Without Damaging It

After changing the colour, especially when it involves intense bleaching and dyeing, you need to have a break from heat styling. Your hair becomes extremely vulnerable after the dyeing process. This is why it is best not to use a blow-dryer or curling iron for at least two weeks after the dyeing process. You might be thinking, well, how fast does hair grow and if it does get damaged I could just grow it out? Not only is this a foolproof plan but you also wouldn’t want that fab new colour go to waste now would you? So try to stay away from heat styling as far as possible. However, if heat-styling is inevitable, spray a protector all over your head beforehand. This will keep potential damage at a minimum and is sure to keep your new look looking fresh and full of colour.

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