
Officer Michael Fanone Shares Wildly Vulgar Voicemail He Got From Trump Supporter: ‘You’re a Punk F****t, You’re a Lying F*ck’ - Mediaite

Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone joined Don Lemon Tuesday night to talk the January 6 Capitol insurrection and his testimony about it on Capitol Hill before the House select committee investigating that incident.

Fanone was one of the responding officers that day and was beaten by rioters and suffered a heart attack during the assault. He also said he has since been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

While he was testifying on Tuesday, Fanone received a voicemail from an angry supporter of Donald Trump.

“Mike received a voicemail today while he was testifying,” said Lemon. “And he shared that voicemail with us. And I have to warn everybody.”

Lemon noted the voicemail contained “incredibly offensive language, but we think people need to hear the kind of attacks these officers are facing right now just for telling the truth about January 6. Play it.”

A man’s voice is heard telling Fanone:

Yeah, this is for Michael Fanone, Metropolitan Police officer. You’re on trial right now [sic] lying. You want an Emmy? An Oscar? What are you trying to go for here? You’re so full of shit you little faggot fucker. You’re a little pussy, man. I could slap you up the side your head with a backhand and knock you out, you little faggot.

You’re a punk faggot. You’re a lying fuck. How about all that scummy Black fuckin’ scum for two years destroying our cities and burning ’em and stealing all that shit out of the stores and everything. How about that? Assaulting cops and killing people? How about that, you fucker? That was shit on the goddamn Capitol. I wish they woulda killed all you scumbags ’cause you people are scum. They stole the election from Trump and you know that, you scumbag. And fuckin’ too bad they didn’t beat the shit out of you more. You’re a piece of shit. You’re a little fag, you fucking scumbag.

“You did not want us to censor that,” said Lemon. “What do you say to that? What do you want people to know? And that idiot?

Fanone replied that this is what happens when people tell the truth.

“I mean, unfortunately I’ve come to expect this type of response,” he said. “It’s not the first time that people have expressed similar opinions to me. Unfortunately… there is an element in this country that believes that.”

Watch above via CNN.

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