
Genius gift alert: Beloved thickening shampoo has 6,000 fans ‘completely sold’ - Yahoo Sports

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Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo is your first step toward a fuller head of hair. (Photo: Amazon)
Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo is your first step toward a fuller head of hair. (Photo: Amazon)

Few things make your heart sink quite like the realization that your hair is thinning. Hair is a big part of your identity, and having to part with it can take a major toll on your self-esteem and emotional well-being.

It’s certainly not easy for the 50 million American men who shed their strands—some as early as their teens. But for the 30 million American women affected by hair loss, it hits a little differently. Simply put, women never expect to start balding—but by age 40, about 40 percent of women will be crushed to see their own hairlines receding or their scalps peeking through.

The vast majority of men lose their hair—mainly on top—to a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia, or male pattern hair loss, according to the American Hair Loss Association. But it turns out women also experience androgenic alopecia—and doctors have even coined the term ‘female pattern hair loss’ to describe the more diffuse, all-over thinning pattern it causes.

If you’re a woman, you can also lose your hair for reasons like stress, childbirth, and even hairstyles that pull too hard on the roots. It might cause you to scramble for a new hairstyle: one that hides all that thinning. But the right hair products can also make a serious difference.

This holiday season, as you’re shopping for others, take a moment to think about yourself, too. Investing in your hair and help bolster your self confidence at the same time.

Low doses of caffeine compounds make Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo a formidable opponent against hair loss. (Photo: Amazon/Getty)
Low doses of caffeine compounds make Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo a formidable opponent against hair loss. (Photo: Amazon/Getty)

Many products claim to make a difference, but we’ve gotten wind of a pretty potent shampoo that’s garnered praise from thousands of Amazon reviewers, some of which call it a “hair loss miracle” —and you’ll jump when you discover its key ingredient. Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo uses caffeine to help stimulate new growth. Customers claim they can even “feel the tingle...on my scalp” that lets them know it’s working.

Of course, Ultrax Labs Hair Surge isn’t really a miracle—no hair product is—but there’s solid science behind the use of topical caffeine for hair loss. When applied to the scalp, caffeine is just about as effective as minoxidil—otherwise known as Rogaine—for helping to stimulate hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia, according to the peer-reviewed journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology.

Another study published by the National Library of Medicine compared the effects of small doses of caffeine to topical testosterone—which produces DHT, the primary culprit in androgenic alopecia. Predictably, the testosterone inhibited hair growth. But surprisingly, “caffeine alone led to a significant stimulation of hair follicle growth.”

Caffeine is acknowledged by doctors as an effective hair-loss treatment—some have seen the results for themselves

Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo
Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo

“Caffeinated shampoos are invaluable when your hair starts to thin,” Sarah Brewer, a U.K.-based doctor and nutritionist, tells Yahoo Life. “Caffeine, applied directly to the scalp, will penetrate directly into your hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.”

Dr. Brewer confirms that even at low concentrations, topical caffeine inhibits the effects of DHT to stimulate follicles and promote more luxurious hair growth. She notes that caffeinated hair products also help relax smooth muscle fibers surrounding the hair follicles. “This reduces scalp tension,” Dr. Brewer says, “and allows small blood vessels to dilate and deliver more oxygen, vitamins, minerals and protein needed for optimal hair growth.”

“I use a caffeinated shampoo myself, [and it has] greatly improved the thickness and texture of my hair,” Dr. Brewer adds.

Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo uses caffeine along with other natural ingredients like saw palmetto and ketoconazole to work wonders on your hair. (Photo: Amazon)
Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo uses caffeine along with other natural ingredients like saw palmetto and ketoconazole to work wonders on your hair. (Photo: Amazon)

But Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo doesn’t only use caffeine to help stimulate hair growth and thicken the look of your locks. This potion relies on a trifecta of powerful ingredients that also includes saw palmetto—known to help naturally block the hair-inhibiting chemical DHT that’s produced by testosterone—and ketoconazole, an anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps prevents dandruff.

It’s a power concoction of all-natural ingredients that come together to help promote regrowth plus add thickness and bounce to a mane that’s fallen flat from shedding. And don’t worry, Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo only makes it feel like your hair drank a cup of coffee. Thanks to essential oils, it has a “heavenly” mix of “yummy” citrus scents.

"After using it for two weeks I’ve seen such a difference! My hair looks and feels thicker. My baby hairs look thicker too! I’m very pleased with this product," wrote a five-star Amazon reviewer. (Photo: Amazon)
"After using it for two weeks I’ve seen such a difference! My hair looks and feels thicker. My baby hairs look thicker too! I’m very pleased with this product," wrote a five-star Amazon reviewer. (Photo: Amazon)

Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo is making a believer out of people who had been losing faith in finding a hair loss product that would actually make a difference.

“I’m pretty skeptical by nature. However...I decided to give it a try,” wrote one now-convinced shopper. “It already seems to be not only stopping the thinning of my hair but also restoring its original thickness. My girlfriend...says she can ‘feel the difference,’ so I know it’s not just placebo [or] wishful thinking.”

“Every time I cleaned my hair, I used to lose a ton of hair,” wrote another reformed skeptic. “When I used this product, I did not lose even one hair!...I try to keep things as natural at home as possible. Every single ingredient that I saw was actually not a chemical!...I have been using this for over a month now and am completely sold on the benefits. My hair fall has reduced at least by 80%-90%.”

Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo isn’t cheap, but customers confirm that you get what you pay for with a product so effective. “It's expensive but it lasts a long time,” wrote one five-star reviewer. “I use three pumps and am still on my first bottle. As far as I'm concerned, this stuff is a miracle.”

Another called the price tag “well worth it,” writing, “At three weeks, the results have been very noticeable! I am noting less of my scalp is visible in my part lines...My hair looks thicker and fuller in general, when a month ago it was looking incredibly thin. I am also noticing that I am having less hair loss.”

Get your hands on a bottle of Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo and see the results for yourself. You can even combine it with growth supplements and other hair loss treatments—Ultrax recommends this, in fact—to take back your self-confidence as you usher in 2021.

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