
Best Hair Detox Shampoos in 2021: How to Pass Hair Follicle Drug Test? - Blog - The Island Now

Even though weed is getting legalized across the country, many people still have to take drug tests to get jobs or for other things. Employers expect potential employees to take these tests seriously as a sign they can do the job right without being under the influence.

Marijuana is the most common drug tested for by employers, as the THC in weed impairs judgement, coordination, and motor skills. The problem is that THC remains in your system for a while after use, even after the effects wear off. You could smoke outside of work and still have traces left in your system that an employer judges you far.

It’s tough to say how long THC stays in your system. There are several factors involved, such as your weight, body type, metabolism, appetite, how much pot you smoked, and the type of test. So, what can you do if you have to take a test for a drug and are worried about getting the wrong result?

Urine tests are the most common. However, you should be prepared for a follicle test as well. THC stays for much longer than it does urine. While THC stays in your urine for between 2 and 10 days, it can stay for up to three months, even if you only smoke occasionally. This is because the drug metabolites in your blood spread across your body and stay there – including your hair.

Most drug detox programs focus on your digestive system to eliminate THC, alcohol, and other toxins before they get absorbed by fat and stay in your body. However, if you smoke pot up to a week before your detox, there’s a good chance that the metabolites have already gotten to your scalp and are going to give the game away when you get tested.

Even if it’s been a while since you last used weed, the lab will almost definitely detect traces of it in your system. That’s more than enough evidence for you to fail the hair drug test. tests for drugs like this establish your lifestyle habits and give employers a look into how you spend your free time. They are willing to spend more to get the most accurate results.

If you want to know how to beat a follicle test with hair detox shampoo, then it begins with understanding how these tests work.

How We Tested The Hair Detox Shampoo Brands?

Not only did we test these products for ourselves, but we also took great care to look through customer reviews and other user experiences to see what everyone else had to say. We even checked social media and other online forums to see what experiences people were having. It’s only by exposing yourself to so many customer opinions that you can verify a product does what the manufacturer claims.

We also went through official websites to understand the transparency, reliability, traceability, and general manufacturing process of the brand. We also double-checked lab reports to verify all the products are safe and work effectively.

Here are the three products we decided were the best of the best after all this rigorous testing:

Top 3 Best Hair Detox Shampoos to Pass Drug Hair Follicle Test:

Detox shampoos are one of the most effective methods to deal with follicles and come out clean. Ensure that you always buy something from a reputable brand to get the best results. You get what you pay for so pay for quality.

Finding the best product can require some trial, tests, and research, but we’ve got you covered. You don’t have to worry about any of that as we’ve done all the hard work for you.

  1. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo – Best Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo Overall
  2. Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo – Best Detox Shampoo According to The Value
  3. Rescue Hair Detox– Voted One of The Best Detox Method

#1. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo – Best Hair Detox Shampoo Overall

Brand Overview

The Old Style Aloe clarifying Shampoo by Toxin Rid is easily the best clarifying shampoo on the market. Once known as Nexxus Aloe Rid, Old Style Aloe is a potent hair detox shampoo to purify your scalp. You’ll be impressed by the results you get with this shampoo.

What makes the clarifying shampoo so effective is that it contains propylene glycol. This doesn’t mean that the detox shampoo leaves your hair dull and lifeless like other shampoos. It also has aloe vera to prevent drying and becoming brittle. This clarifying shampoo also contains a wealth of other natural conditioners on top of the aloe to keep your scalp hydrated, healthy, and happy.

We recommend that you use this detox shampoo every day for between 3 and 10 days before the test. We also recommend that you don’t smoke or otherwise ingest weed during this time for the best results.

Make sure to cover the entirety of your scalp with a detox shampoo. the best method is to leave the shampoo in your hair for around fifteen minutes after fully lathering your scalp. Rinse the shampoo out and your hair follicles should be clean and drug-free within 90 minutes of washing.

Please note the effects aren’t exactly permanent. Using the shampoo gives you a six-hour window where your hair is clean. Drugs that you take during this time shouldn’t show up in a follicle test because it takes some time for them to reach the follicles and enter the fatty deposits there. However, It could get contaminated by external factors after this or the sebum secreted by your scalp.

While this hair detox shampoo isn’t the cheapest option on the market, it is among the most effective and potent products you’ll find. The hair follicle detox shampoo comes in a small 5-ounce bottle, which should be enough for several uses.


  • Potent enough to effectively eliminate toxins including drug metabolites
  • Aloe vera helps ensure your scalp stays healthy and hydrated
  • Can be used as a part of Jerry G hair detox method
  • Works well as a standalone product with no need for conditioner
  • Contains natural and safe ingredients

⇒ Visit the Official Website of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid for the Best Discount


  • Ideal for people with low to medium cannabis exposure – not the best choice for heavy users
  • Uses an old formula that is more limited in supply – but still more effective for it
  • Price may be too much for some people
  • Can only be purchased online

Consumer Experience

We wanted to know what everyone else was saying about the shampoo. We found most people spoke highly of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid. The product has plenty of five-star ratings from users, making it among the most popular and effective follicle detoxing products on the market.

Consumers praise the product for the results it provides as a standalone product. Even skeptics spoke highly of the shampoo. Some people who only had a few days to prepare for a test used the product a few times a day to be extra safe and were impressed – and pleased – to get the negative result they were hoping for.

Some people felt the process was a lot of effort but it was ultimately worth it in the end to pass the drug test.

Customer Friendliness

The website for Toxin Rid is simple enough to understand and navigate and it has plenty of information. You should have no problem placing an order and getting your cleanse clarifying shampoo. The customer support team is on hand if you have any problems before, during, or after making your purchase.

Toxin Rid offers 1, 2, and 3-day shipping to customers in the United States through UPS, USPS, and FedEx.

One thing to note is that all sales are final and you can’t do a part exchange. While you do have 30-days to return the product if something goes wrong, you have to return it in the original sealed condition to qualify. All returns have to be pre-authorized with a Return Merchandise Authorization Number.

⇒ Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid

#2. Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo – Best Value for Money 

Brand Overview

The Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is another popular choice for your detox shampoo. The shampoo contains a conditioner and purifier to offer excellent results. The clarifying shampoo is a clarifying shampoo best for light to moderate weed users. Chronic smokers may find that they need to pair this product with Old Style to get truly effective results and pass a hair follicle drug test.

Zydot Ultra clean helps to eliminate impurities, including toxins and metabolites, by deep cleansing the scalp and hair shaft to eliminate drug metabolites. As is the case with other hair detox shampoos, you should stop using dry herbs before going through the detox process. Carefully read the instructions and follow them to the letter to ensure effectiveness.

This is where the problems start because it is one of the most difficult clarifying shampoo & products on the market. You’ll have to go through several steps to ensure your hair is cleansed and purified. The whole process can take up to 45 minutes to complete.

On the plus side, the clarifying shampoo is on the more affordable end for this kind of product. The shampoo costs less than $40 and has long-lasting effects of up to 24 hours. Your scalp might get re-contaminated after this, either through using more weed or from environmental factors. It’s worth cleaning your clothes and bedding to prevent accidental exposure.

Unfortunately, the overall cost for Ultra clean goes up when you consider it works best when paired with other products, including standard shampoo and conditioner. Don’t let the lower price tag fool you.


  • One of the most affordable hair detox shampoos
  • Easily found in retail stores and online through the official website
  • Voted the best detox shampoo by various publications

⇒ Visit the Official Website of Zydot for the Best Discount


  • Not as effective as a standalone product
  • Takes a lot of work to use properly

Customer Experience

When we checked the customer experiences of people who used Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo to prepare for a follicle drug test, we found people saying that the product was as effective as it was affordable. While the product is best for light to moderate smokers, it works well as a standalone product. It’s not as effective at detoxifying the hair of chronic and heavy users.

Customers praised the product buildup in a way that gives pleasantly mild baby-shampoo-like fragrance and how hair retained its natural health and shine even after continued use. Most users rated the product between 4 and 5 stars.

Customer Friendliness

Zydot stands out for offering a complete 100% money back guarantee for users who are dissatisfied with the product and how effective it is. The website is also different from other websites. The homepage includes everything you need to know, including the toll-free customer service number and FAQ to how to use the product and links to other similar products. The website also has plenty of information on what to do and what to avoid when detoxing and where you can find the shampoo in physical retail stores.

⇒ Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Zydot

#3. Rescue Hair Detox – Fast Acting & Works Best With Macujo Method

Brand Overview

Last but not least, we have the Rescue Detox Shampoo Concentrates. Applied Sciences’ Rescue Detox is among the oldest brands selling drug detox products still around today.

The shampoo is concentrated in a two-ounce bottle. The bottle is intended for single-use but you have to follow the instructions carefully to get the results you want in a single use. One incredible thing about this shampoo is that the effects last for longer than 24 hours. This product is ideal for people on a budget. Even better than all of that is how fast acting it is – it gets to work within 10 – 15 minutes.

Rescue Detox Shampoo is the ideal solution to help you get through hair follicle tests without damaging your hair. Your hair will be as healthy, soft, and shiny as you remember it always being.


  • One of the cheapest detox products
  • Works much faster than other products
  • Best to remove toxins from the hair
  • One of the best detox methods
  • Effects last longer than other products
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Lab-tested for proven effectiveness

⇒ Visit the Official Website of Rescue for the Best Discount


  • Some negative feedback on the product, including limited forum-based feedback
  • Doesn’t sell directly through the brand website, instead of selling through retailers and wholesalers

Consumer Experience

We did manage to find some customer reviews for this one. People seem generally impressed with the results and were pleased with how effective the product was. People also praised that this is one of the best hair follicle detox shampoos and the cheapest option around. They said that the shampoo helped preserve the natural shine of their hair because it doesn’t strip hair of essential natural oils.

Customer Friendliness

Applied Sciences Labs is one of the most respected names in the industry. However, they aren’t very good at effectively marketing their products. Perhaps they expect their products to sell themselves. However, the customer care team is efficient and has all the answers you need. You can contact customer service through email and phone.

⇒ Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Rescue

Buying Guide For Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo 

Now that we’ve looked at some of the best detox shampoos on the market, let’s address what to look for in such a product. A great detox shampoo eliminates all the dirt, drug metabolites, and toxins from your hair and scalp without compromising the health of your hair and scalp. Ideally, the product should strengthen your hair roots and bolster hair growth.

The first thing to do is ensure you are dealing with a trusted seller. Look for products that have vitamins including A, B, C, and E vitamins to maintain the natural chemical balance and strength of your hair. Most reputable brands include a natural conditioner in the ingredients to preserve hair health. Natural conditioners also make the product more effective at eliminating toxins.

Here are some other general tips on how to buy the best drug detox for you:

Read the Product Label and Ingredient List

  • The product should contain natural ingredients like green tea extract and apple cider vinegar that are gentle on your scalp and hair
  • You need an effective product, so look for propylene glycol
  • Check to see if the product has botanical extracts such as lemon, mint, and sage. These products help to keep your hair and scalp healthy while ensuring it smells nice
  • Avoid products that contain parabens, phthalates, synthetic dyes, sulfates, and artificial fragrances. These ingredients can remove moisture from your hair so it loses its lustre.

Assess the Current Condition of your Hair and Scalp 

Some detox shampoos can be tough on your hair and leave it looking and feeling worse. If your hair is already in a bad condition, then a complex shampoo could make things much worse. There are some factors involving current hair health to be considered, such as dander and an oily scalp. Look for a product that isn’t likely to make things worse on your hair. Look for a detox shampoo that will restore the texture and health of your scalp while eliminating toxins instead of making hair worse. There are several different products available depending on your hair type. Get a product that matches your hair type, such as curly, wavy, and straight hair. There’s no point to risking hair damage just to eliminate drug toxins.

Window of Effectiveness

The different products have different windows of effectiveness. You need a product that suits your timeframe needs so that your hair is clean when you need it to be. Using a product that keeps your hair clean for six hours twelve hours before the test won’t do anything.

How Long it Takes to be Effective 

Not everyone has the time it takes to spend hours applying shampoo in the bath. As you look for the best shampoo detox product for you, look through the instructions to see how long it takes to apply the product.

Brand Reputation

One of the first things people do when buying a new product is assessing the reputation of the brand behind it. Detox shampoos should be no different. The brand reputation gives you an idea of the safety, efficiency, and long-term effects of using the product. Check customer reviews to see what other people have to say.

There’s a good chance you’ll have a similar experience to everyone else, so the more opinions you read through the better an idea you’ll have of what to expect.

Effective Customer Service and Deals

Any company confident about the effectiveness of its products should offer you a guarantee. You might not always be able to claim an exchange or return, but everyone welcomes the chance to get a replacement or reimbursement if they are dissatisfied. Having these options gives customers peace of mind that they are getting a great product.

It doesn’t help that most of these products are expensive. Some brands counter this by offering deals occasionally, especially for low-income people who need a job to improve their quality of life. Check back every so often to see if you can get a good deal.


The price might be the last thing on our list, but that doesn’t change how critical a factor this is for some. Some brands offer the same effects at a reduced price. Shop around and compare different ingredients, products, and brand reputations to get the best value for money.

How Does The Hair Follicle Drug Test Work?

follicle tests work similarly to other drug tests. The lab technician takes a few strands from your scalp and exposes them to chemical testing to determine if there are any toxins present, such as amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana. All the different drugs respond to different chemicals, but the results are almost always accurate. It’s rare to get a false positive with a hair drug test.

The test is divided into two separate parts to ensure accurate results:

  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  • Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

If the strand comes back negative on an ELISA test, then it won’t have to go through the next phase of testing. However, a positive result on the ELISA test means your sample is put under a GC-MS test to rule out the potential for a false negative. This two-step approach is what makes follicle tests so accurate.

How To Pass Hair Follicle Drug Test?

The good news is that there are some potential methods to overcome a hair drug test, even if you recently smoked something. These methods vary in effectiveness, but you could potentially make it through even the toughest of tests.

The best method to pass a test of any kind is through natural detoxification. This involves eating clean and healthy, getting plenty of water, eating all your fruits and vegetables, and exercising to sweat the toxins out.

The problem is that natural detoxification can take months. It doesn’t help that the timer resets the next time you smoke pot. You’d also have to refrain from partaking for all that time. Not everyone has the months it takes to completely detox naturally. You need to cleanse in days if you’re lucky.

Some people are lucky in that they can wash with regular shampoo and that will be enough. Unfortunately, marijuana consumers don’t have that luxury, especially heavy users who have a lot more toxins in their scalp. You could shave your head but bald isn’t always beautiful and won’t it look suspicious if the first thing you do after hearing about a drug test is shaving your head?

This is why people prefer to stick to cleanse clarifying shampoo. These clarifying shampoos or detox shampoo or product buildup are specifically formulated to remove all drug metabolites from the fatty roots of the scalp. A weed detox shampoo is a great option if you have a drug test coming up and are worried about the technician finding weed traces in your scalp.

We’ve tried a few of these products in our time and are here today to give you a look at some of the safest and most effective options you have.

FAQs About Hair Detox Shampoo Brands

Q. What drugs do hair follicle tests detect?

Hair follicle tests find a range of drugs, including:

  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamines
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Xanax
  • Ecstasy
  • Fentanyl
  • Opiates
  • Methadone

Q. How far back can a hair follicle test detect drug use?

Technicians take a 1.5-inch-long hair sample. This sample can detect drug use as far back as three months. Longer hair samples can find drugs from several years in the past. Keep in mind how far back a hair drug test goes depends on the length of the hair and how long you’ve been growing your hair.

Q. How do I use hair follicle detox shampoo?

These products are simple to use. Follow the instructions carefully and wash your hair appropriately. Give the shampoo a little time to soak into your hair. Follow the directions as closely as possible to get the best possible results from the shampoo. Rinse your hair when done and towel dries it. Consider pairing shampoo with purifying hair conditioners if instructed. Avoid using other hair care products such as serums and oils and avoid using your regular bedding or hair accessories to prevent re-contamination.

Q. Can you pass a test by bleaching your hair? 

It’s possible. Bleaching can reduce drug metabolite presence by between 40% and 80%. The problem is that bleaching your hair takes time and damages your hair and scalp, even when done properly. Bleaching also might not be enough by itself. You’ll still have to use detox shampoo to get the best results.

Technicians are also becoming wary of bleaching to bypass tests. If you turn up with bleached hair they may request a different sample to ensure you don’t cheat the system. Regular body hair doesn’t grow as quickly as hair from your scalp, so body hair retains drug metabolites longer than regular hair.

Q. Is there anything I can do at home to pass a hair follicle test?

There are some DIY methods you can do at home to pass your test. The most important thing is that you stop using marijuana as you detox. The longer you avoid using drugs, the better your chance of passing a drug test. Given that it takes up to half a year to fully cleanse your body, not everyone has that luxury. You can also completely shave your head but it’s too obvious and they might request another sample.

Q. Is hair follicle drug test accurate?

Hair follicle tests are accurate. However, they aren’t set off by second-hand smoke. Passive drug exposure shouldn’t affect a hair follicle test as your body itself doesn’t contain the metabolites used to detect drug use.

Q. Can employers legally enforce a hair follicle test?

The answer to this question depends on where you live and work. Some states don’t allow employers to demand hair follicle tests from employees, while others demand that employees consent to the test. Most states also require employers to provide sufficient evidence to ask for a drug test.

Hair follicle drug tests may also be required for legal and medical purposes. More often than not, you are the one who chooses whether you give a hair sample or not. Nothing is done without your consent. Your employer can’t forcibly take a hair sample from you.

Q. Can a lab determine when the drugs were taken?

Labs can detect drugs but can’t determine when those drugs were taken. The idea they can be is just a myth. Hair follicle tests look for multiple uses over time, depending on the length of the hair sample and how long you’ve been growing your hair. The potency of drugs and the amount taken also determines if a sample tests positive. However, it is impossible to tell when a person was exposed to drugs through a hair test.

Conclusion – Which Detox Shampoo Should You Choose?

Hair detox shampoo for hair follicle tests is an effective way to pass drug tests. Make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions as closely as possible to get the best results. Don’t forget to stop taking drugs before and during detoxification. Detoxifying your body only works until your next drug exposure. There’s no point in eliminating toxins from your body if you follow it up with ingesting more.

If you’re worried about an upcoming hair follicle test, consider using hair follicle detox shampoo to cleanse your hair and make it through the test without incident. Out of the  3 hair detox shampoos that are mentioned above, we personally choose Aloe Toxin Rid as the best one.

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