
What’s on our vaccination bucket list, from hair cuts to hugs -

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Bruce Bohner walked out of the Cleveland Clinic with a one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine in his arm and asked his wife, “Where do you want to go?”

They leave May 1 for Tucson, Arizona.

“Desert, horseback riding and hiking, here we come. Yeehaw!” said Bohner, of Lakewood. But even before going west, Bohner said the vaccine gave him a tremendous sense of freedom. He felt an “anxiety I didn’t even realize was there, leave.”

Just thinking about being vaccinated – protected from the coronavirus that has upended our world – can bring an immense sense of relief. Elation. Joy.

So what will you do after that moment of liberation?

Our big post-vaccination plans are mostly pretty ordinary. It’s the stuff we once took for granted. It’s just being able to go.

Go to dinner with friends. Go to the grocery store, rather than having groceries delivered. Go to church in person. Go to an Indians game. Go see our moms and dads, kids, grandparents and grandkids, and give them a hug.

“The list is endless. Think of all the things you haven’t done for the last year,” said Dr. Amy Edwards, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at University Hospitals.

Edwards and her husband are looking forward to visiting his grandma, once her husband is fully vaccinated.

Some of her hospital colleagues, who began receiving vaccinations in December, have already begun their COVID bucket lists, to eat indoors at a restaurant or travel.

Now vaccine supply is increasing, and by March 29, all Ohio adults are eligible for their life-saving shot. By May, anyone who wants a vaccine should be able to get one.

Protection isn’t immediate, obviously. If you get a Pfizer or Moderna shot, you’ll need two doses (about three weeks apart), and wait another two weeks. If you get the Johnson & Johnson, you’ll just need the two weeks.

Even then, you must continue wearing your mask in public and follow all social distancing requirements. That’s because even once you’re vaccinated, you could still transmit the disease, and because vaccines may not completely protect you from more contagious and dangerous variants.

But they will keep you from dying of the virus.

So while we can’t throw off all caution, and we can’t travel to Canada (yet), we can chuck the burden we’ve been carrying all year. Hence all those elated social media posts of people holding their vaccination cards.

“I miss the things everyone does but I’ll actually be able to see my mom in person for the first time in over a year. She lives in a facility just three streets away from me but it’s been light years this last year,” reader Mike Lupole said. “So, for me, I miss family and friends. I hope that as we ease beyond this pandemic we stop and enjoy everything and everyone. Warren Zevon once said to, ‘Enjoy every sandwich.’ He was right.”

Sandwiches, and coffee shops.

“I’ve found substitutes for many other things that I missed, but there’s no substitute for the ambience of sitting in a busy coffee shop with some funky tunes playing and a bunch of other entrepreneurs sitting around working on their laptops and generally enjoying being in the company of others, a hissing espresso machine in the background, the smell of roasting beans in the air,” said Jim Smith of Strongsville.

Debra Frantz of Cleveland wants to go antiquing. She’s waiting for her husband to get his second shot before embarking on “some cautious adventures back into the world.” That includes searching for pottery at antique malls and browsing candy at B.A. Sweetie’s.

Some people have been dreaming for months about what they can do. Others may begin imagining only once they reach their “Efficacy Day,” two weeks after that final shot.

But then. What will you do?

“I think some people do have that one thing they’re clinging to, but others are still opening to their new reality,” Edwards said. “How many people are out there walking around with one shot? They’re not fully vaccinated yet, but I’m sure they’re thinking about it.”

We asked and Plain Dealer readers what they’ll do once they’re fully vaccinated. Here’s what they said:

I cannot wait to get together with vaccinated family and friends. We have had small gatherings outside when the weather was good but i haven’t seen any family or friends in 5 months. I just want to be around people! I live alone and it gets old going through all of this myself. I’m hanging in there and still diligent with precautions but really look forward to being fully vaccinated in 3 weeks! – Nancy Agacinski

Hug my mom!!! – Amber, Canton

Sit inside at a restaurant. – Ann, Westlake

We will be able to resume our Lenten tradition of dining at church fish frys followed by Mexican Train Dominoes at the various homes of our group of 12 long-time friends. Of course, thanks to Covid, we’ve tweaked the dining at the churches to taking out our fish dinners from the churches! -- Barb Bangeman, Avon Lake

I will go visit my 81-year-old mother in Pennsylvania without worrying about her getting ill. She is fully vaccinated so it will be nice to give her a big hug! -- Linda Bentlage, Copley

I can’t wait to go visit my daughter and grandson in New Mexico! I also can’t wait to hear live music/bands again! – Chris Blood

I booked a trip out West to Tuscon. And, surprisingly, I also felt anxiety I didn’t even realize was there, leave. Desert, horseback riding and we come. Yeehaw! -- Bruce Michael Bohner, Lakewood

Get a haircut! -- Cathy Borsos, Bay Village

I am going to meet my new grandnephew. He has gotten his first vaccinations and I will have my 2 vaccinations and waited the 2 weeks. I can’t wait to hold him. -- Katherine Brown, Westlake

Have a game night with another vaccinated couple in their home. – Pebbles Bush

Plan a trip to visit my grandchildren in the northwest. We have not seen them since they were ages 2 and 5. They will soon be age 4 and 7. – Candace, Middleburg Heights

Breathe a sigh of relief that I will not be impacted so severely by Covid, since I have kidney disease. I have been worried for a year about getting Covid and maybe dying or being left with dialysis. -- Susan D. Clark, Willowick

We live in Naples, Florida in the winter and we were “fully vaccinated” yesterday. So we celebrated “Liberation Day” by going to our favorite Italian restaurant and eating indoors. We have purchased tickets to two plays and have booked two cruises: Europe and Alaska. It felt good. -- Martin R. Cole, Jefferson

Celebrating my mom’s 90th birthday, which was in January! Having our first family vacation (or any trip) since June 2019. – Mark Cotleur

Make an eye doctor appointment. – David, Lakewood

Visit my friends. – Deb, Spencer

Go swimming. – Debbie, Independence

Wait and wait and wait for state permission to visit my fully vaccinated mother in her AL room alone without a plastic wall between us. Both vaccinated for over two months now. – Donna, Boardman

Go to a movie. – Ellen, Beachwood

PTL! My husband and I are blessed to live in the same neighborhood as our son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. At the beginning of COVID, we only visited at a distance outside by standing in each other’s driveway or taking a walk/riding bikes on opposite sides of the street. That progressed to in-home Friday night dinners and kisses on the top of grandchildren’s heads. God is good and we have remained healthy. We have already booked a visit to Michigan to see our daughter and her boyfriend. Next is to secure a date to see our son and his girlfriend in a Chicago. I missed hugs the absolute most. Stay healthy and mask up and be socially distant so we can beat this thing! -- Kathleen Esper, North Ridgeville

I want to travel without worrying about quarantining. I want to go to New Jersey to visit my family and friends there, to hug them. I’m also looking forward to travelling outside of the U.S. -- Jana Florek, Strongsville

I am going to the spa. I am getting my hair cut and dyed, nails done, and more. Then I will return to the gym. Sitting at home in sweats all the time has made me feel worse about myself and has impacted my relationships. These are all serotonin boosts that I have missed, as well as contribute to my overall feeling of well-being and confidence. -- France, Mentor

Because my extended family doesn’t live nearby and I just got my second Moderna, I am planning to go back to doing my own grocery shopping at Heinen’s, going antique shopping and I am fantasizing about a trip to Sweeties to stock up on chocolates! -- Debra Frantz, Cleveland

Looking forward to going out to dinner and/or a brewery with my wife. Miss going to the movies and cannot wait for concerts to start up again! So many good shows where coming to Cleveland in 2020 and I hope they all get rescheduled soon! -- Michael Galloway, North Royalton

Today is my Efficacy Day! ...and the 20th Anniversary of my husband’s and my first date! We’ll be going to Cleveland Art Museum today and will get a take out dinner, as we still don’t want to go to a restaurant yet. And next week comes hugging those Spring Break grandkids!! I can’t wait!! – Linda Gattiker, Parma

Travel. – Douglas Giera, Fort Myers, Florida

My wife & I are going to see our daughter and two of our grandsons that we have not seen since February 2019. -- Terry Gill, Parma

I have not been able to have a meal with my whole family in over a year. With the new vaccine requirements, in about a month and a half I will be able to have all my children over including my only grandchild! What will I do? It’s simple ... PREPARE A MEAL FOR THEM IN MY HOME.!!!! AND ENJOY SIMPLE BUT BLESSED FAMILY TIME TOGETHER! -- Anita Gray, Cleveland

Drive 502 miles to see my grandchildren! Grandpa and I achieved ‘fully vaccinated status’ last week. We got in the car after church on Sunday, and came right out here. Got to hold our youngest grandchild, now 10 months old, for the first time! – Mary Ann H., Lakewood

First thing: go GROCERY SHOPPING. Having to have others pick the produce and meat has been a bit challenging.Even the best grocery delivery services can get an order wrong. Then there are all the last-minute add-ons to the list. It’s so nice to be able to just go to my local store, Zagara’s Market again! -- Margaret Hall, Cleveland Heights

I’m dreaming of a family Easter this year! And family Passover – we celebrate both. Almost our entire family is vaccinated. – Lauren Hagenbuch

Gathering with all the family. – Therese Hazen

Hug my parents for a long time. Catch a flight to Montana to fly fish and drive down Route 15 to Utah and get lost for five days. -- Michael Heffernan, Bay Village

Have the in-laws over and hug them. – Henry, Brunswick

I live in Little Italy and have a great group of friends in the neighborhood and various restaurants that I had seen little of in the past year. Sunday, March 14, I had my two shots and my two week waiting period over, so I headed down to The Tavern of Little Italy to down a few beverages with the crew, still socially distancing and masking. There were jokes from everyone that they could now pay their monthly electric bill since I was back. After watching the Buckeyes and paying my bill, I walked back to my car thinking “No wonder I paid off all my debt in the last year. Isolation has its merits but still doesn’t beat having a cold one with friends.” -- David Hostetler, Ravenna/Little Italy

Go out to eat. -- Michael Janapolis, Avon Lake

Everything. – Jesse, Chagrin Falls

Hold my new granddaughter for the first time. Hug my entire family. See my friends again. Get a haircut and manicure. Go to the casino! – Kat, Shaker Heights

Going to an Indians game. – Kathleen Kelly

I am going to go out to breakfast with a dear friend whom I haven’t seen in close to a year. Then I am going out to Barrio with my daughter for dinner! – Chris Kirsch, Parma Heights

First thing I plan to do after being FULLY vaccinated is hug & kiss my parents! -- Denise Lachowski, Bedford

I will be giving my daughter away in marriage to a great guy. I am looking forward to the father-daughter dance! Dave Lesey, Brecksville

Going to Canada to get some REAL poutine. – Liam, Medina

Go to Mass get down on my knees and thank the Good Lord for protecting my

family. -- Michael Mathe, DeLand, Florida

Zumba class. – Valerie McFadden

Have our adult children come over for dinner and attend church in person – Murray McKinsey

Visit my out-of-town daughter. I haven’t seen her in over a year. -- Cate Merriman, Twinsburg

I’m looking SO forward to seeing my new girlfriend in person!! – Judith Montgomery

I want to hug my grandsons and get a professional hair cut. -- Charlotte Noble, Lakewood

Buy premium tickets for the next sold-out Rolling Stones or Pearl Jam concert anywhere in the world! Dave Nolan, Chagrin Falls

I can’t wait to travel to Germany to visit my daughter’s family, as soon as that country allows. – Mary Ober

Have a meal inside a restaurant. – Mark Patrick, Olmsted Falls

Santa Barbara or Rome. -- Gary Powers, Avon

Go to the beach, see family and friends. – Katherine Rosetta, Medina

Shake hands with my friends. -- Richard Ross, Malta

My oldest son, his wife and her extended family live in Denver, Colorado. It’s been well over a year now since I have seen them except for over Zoom. Sigh. He says once we are all vaccinated -- not just me -- then we can talk about getting together in person. This is numero uno on my post-COVID (will there ever really be such a thing?) bucket list -- and the only item on it that i care terribly about, as a mom. -- Mary Lynne Safko, Lakewood

I will go to the Indians Home Opener on April 5. Been a long year not watching the Tribe in person! – Bruce Shaw, Eastlake

Hug our kids and grandchildren and never again take for granted the love and beauty of a simple embrace. -- Mark Slattery, Chardon

After my second jab, I went for my first haircut in one year, returned to the rec center for workouts, and had a long, relaxed visit with my 90-year-old mom without a mask. – Rick Strong, Westlake

Doing my own grocery shopping and hugging my family. -- Donna Sukis

Having Easter brunch with six vaccinated family members is first on my list, after a trip to the grocery store, the first since March 16, 2020. All groceries have been either delivered by Instacart, friends or ordered online for pick-up. – Cheri Tindira

What do I miss the most? Being able to hug my family, my sister, my nephew and niece and their kids. Then when I’ve been able to do that I want so much to be able to go to a concert in Blossom, sit on the lawn and listen to some good good music like the Doobie Brothers. I miss the county fair too and the fried cheese. And I miss going to the theater and sitting in the reclining seats. I don’t have a large screen TV and my computer screen is small too. It’s not the same streaming movies online. -- Sherry Thaler, Cleveland

Most importantly I will continue with COVID protocols until we are all out of the woods. We are all in this together and need to get those who ignore or resist getting vaccinated on board. – Gary Trafis, Seven Hills

We celebrated with drinks at a local bar, and are now headed for a road trip with friends to Florida! -- Mike and Jean Uthe, Chardon

Hugs for all who have been vaccinated, my kids, grandkids....even my wife! -- Jerry Walsh, Parma

Hug my entire family. -- Marilee ward, Geneva

Church in person. Extended family in person. Party and picnic with friends. And when most people are vaccinated, a big vacation. – William Wood

Eat indoors at restaurants with well-spaced tables, masked waiters, and at off hours. Fly to Boston for my grandson’s high school graduation. I have been promised hugs. -- Myra White, Shaker Heights

Hug my family. -- Bob Wooley

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