
Are you a Candidate for FUE Hair Restoration? - Boca Raton
Dr. L. Scott Ennis and Donna Ennis

Does your “go-to” look include a hat or scarf to camouflage thinning hair or a receding hairline? If you said yes, FUE hair restoration could be a real game changer! Dr. L. Scott Ennis of Ennis Plastic Surgery knows how much mild to moderate hair loss can affect your day-to-day life, especially when it comes to your self-confidence. That’s why he recommends FUE hair restoration, or follicular unit extraction, as an option to restore hair density without leaving an unsightly scar. 

Actual Hair Transplant Patient Before & After

What’s involved? 

FUE is a 3 to 8 hour in-office hair restoration procedure that involves removing individual follicles of hair from the donor site (typically the back or sides of the scalp) and transplanting them to areas of thinning hair. Patients experience only minimal discomfort, mainly occurring when a local anesthetic is administered at the beginning of the procedure. The follicles are extracted without an incision, meaning there is no visible scar. The follicles, which are living tissue, are then carefully grafted onto areas where hair loss has occurred. The grafted hair remains for several weeks before shedding. Over the next 4 to 6 months, new hair growth begins, and you will see natural, healthy, and strong hair emerge. Because the rate of hair growth varies from person to person, full results may take up to one year. 

Large areas of follicles can be transplanted in a single session, meaning you’ll need fewer procedures to get the coverage you desire. Dr. Ennis utilizes NeoGraft 2.0 technology, which involves pneumatic pressure to extract the individual follicles. This protects the delicate transplants, yielding a better overall result. 

FUE vs. FUT 

FUE is not the only method of hair restoration available—but it is the most ideal for many patients. Another well-known procedure, called FUT (or Follicular Unit Transplantation), involves removing a small strip of hair-bearing skin. Afterward, this area must be closed with stitches or staples, resulting in a linear scar that is visible when hair is cut short. 

Is FUE for you? 

The best candidates for FUE hair transplants are those experiencing hair loss on the top of the head or near the front of the hair line or in the crown and have good thick hair in the back of the head. More donor hair inthe back means greater hair density can be restored. The NeoGraft 2.0 FUE system can also be used for hair restoration on the eyebrows or body, or even to camouflage unsightly scars from previous attempts at hair restoration.

Actual Hair Transplant Patient Before & After

Recovery: What to expect 

Because of Dr. Ennis’ experience and expertise in performing FUE procedures, you can expect a short recovery time. Most patients need just one day of rest before returning to their daily activities. The donor and implantation spots will both be sore for several days, but this discomfort is mild. The longest part of recovery is the time it takes for the donor site area to regrow the hair that’s been harvested, as this area is cut very short prior to harvesting the hair follicles. 

Results and Aftercare 

FUE is typically a permanent solution to hair loss. To maintain optimal results, Dr. Ennis recommends following a healthy and well-balanced diet, engaging in exercise, and avoiding smoking. A preventative medical regimen may be necessary if your hair loss is determined to be progressive. This will all be discussed with you at the time of your consultation and a personally tailored treatment plan just for you! If you are ready to learn more about how Dr. Ennis can help you have the full head of hair you’ve been dreaming about, email or call 561/266-4439 to book your in-person or virtual consult at Ennis Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, FL.

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5 Responses to "Are you a Candidate for FUE Hair Restoration? - Boca Raton"

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