
COPS: Woman With Purple Hair Steals Car, Posts Pics To Instagram -

Boca Raton Police Nab In Hair Salon. Wanted In North Carolina.

ShakerGirl797 Is Now Inmate Girl.

Julia Grissom is known as Shakergirl797 on Instagram. She is now an inmate in the Palm Beach County Jail.


BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright © 2021 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — A woman wanted in North Carolina for allegedly stealing a car was found in Boca Raton. Police didn’t have to search hard. She has purple hair and apparently announced on Instagram to thousands of followers that she was heading to an area hair salon.

Julia Grissom of Raleigh, North Carolina — known as “ShakerGirl797” — is now in custody.

The police report is a must-read. We are publishing it, in its entirety, below. Per, we only lightly edit police reports in an effort keep the realism of how police document events and incidents.

“On 10/27/2021 at approximately 1330hrs, I responded to the area of 176 E Boca Raton Road in reference to an assist to Charlotte Police Department (CPD). CPD advised they had information that a suspect in an ongoing investigation from their jurisdiction was possibly coming to the area of Boca Raton at approximately 1400hrs. CPD reported that W/F Julia Grissom (11/04/1997) has an active warrant for Robbery out of Charlotte NC. In addition to her name and dob CPD also provided a physical description of her. Grissom reportedly has purple hair with a thin build. They also stated that she likely would arrive in a dark gray or black Dodge Challenger that they believed to be stolen as well.

Per CPD, Grissom reportedly posted on her Instagram (Shakergirl797) that she had an appointment at a salon in Boca Raton at 1400hrs. Officers from BRPD set up with view of both entrances to the establishment. At approximately 1355hrs, a W/F with purple hair and same build as described by CPD, approached the south entrance of the building from the south. Ofc. Stepp and I made contact with the female who identified herself as Julia Grissom. I detained Grissom in handcuffs and explained to her that she possibly had a warrant out of NC, BRPD Dispatch confirmed the warrant and Grissom was placed under arrest.

I asked Grissom how she arrived at the location. She confirmed that she arrived in a black Dodge Challenger which she stated she parked just south of our location. Ofc. Schuss arrived on scene shortly after to conduct a search of Grissom’s person.”

Police, according to the report, then found a key fob that triggered the Dodge Challenger. Again, more from the official police report:

“Ofc. Bradley confirmed that the key fob belonged to this vehicle as the fob successfully unlocked it. Ofc. Bradley reported that he also observed stickers on the windows for the Instagram name “Shakergirl797. ” Ofc. Bradley stated that when he tried to locate a VIN number for the vehicle, it appeared that they had either been tampered with and/or removed. Ofc. Bradley also reported that the black exterior of the vehicle was a wrap and that the original color of the vehicle is green. The vehicle was later towed to BRPD for further investigation.

I read Grisson her Miranda warning from a pre-printed card. She advised that she understood and agreed to answer my questions. At first, Grissom denied knowledge of the vehicle being stolen. She stated that she paid $50,0000 in cash for the vehicle to a friend. The friend was described as a B/M but could not recall his name. She further stated that she had the title but not with her.

It was clear to me that Grissom was being evasive in her responses and lying to me. I explained to her that if she did not want to answer my questions truthfully then she could simply exercise her right to remain silent and speak to an attorney. I explained to her that based on all of the evidence linking her to the vehicle, I was charging her
for being in possession of the stolen vehicle as well as the warrant. Grissom became emotional and began to cry. She stated that she wanted to talk but not in front of so many people.

Post Miranda Grissom admitted that she knew the vehicle was stolen. She stated that she did not steal the vehicle herself but did realize it was stolen. She confirmed that she personally added the dark wrap to the vehicle to disguise the appearance and placed the NC tag on it. Grissom stated that the NC Tag attached to the vehicle is hers, however, it is registered in a friend’s name. This portion appeared to be truthful…”

Julia Grissom was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail late Wednesday evening and remains held on $1,000 bond Friday morning. It was not immediately clear if she faces extradition to North Carolina.

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