
How American Artists Mobilize Against Donald Trump – re:Jerusalem - re:Jerusalem

[La culture contre Trump 3/4] Faced with the increasing polarization of American society and Donald Trump’s disastrous presidency in terms of freedoms and equality, artists through their works and institutions are making a concrete commitment to bond and save democracy.

These are just two words, cryptic, yet all we will remember from the Oscars ceremony on March 4, 2018: “Inclusion rider.” At the end of a speech for which the epithet appears to be coined as ‘vibrating’, Frances McDormand, best actress for 3 Billboards – The Panels of Revenge, asks all nominated women to stand up when she says these words. sibylline words that no one immediately understands.

“Inclusion rider”, we would learn in the press the next day, is an inclusion clause that some stars put in their contracts to force producers to hire technicians (or other actors) from minorities. With the whole appeal of testifying in front of the cameras, Frances McDormand would go on to shape an idea that was just starting to circulate in Hollywood at the time and could be placed under a bigger banner: Time’s Up.

The turning point of time

Born in January, in the wake of the Weinstein affair and the previous year’s October MeToo, Time’s Up (“it’s time”) aims to not only end sexual harassment, but also promote inclusivity on movie sets. He soon becomes the symbol and even the armed arm of this struggle on which Frances McDormand has just been in the spotlight. Besides Harvey Weinstein (a big Democratic donor, by the way), it’s the president, and all that he embodies, who the movement stands against.

Time magazine makes no mistake, making “Silence Breakers”, those who broke the silence to speak loud and clear about female sexual abuse victims, referring to its “Personality of the Year 2017” in a calendar without stopping Trump, from day he came to power during the Women’s March, calling out his statements as “grab them by the pussy” (“you have to get them by the pussy”) condemned by Tarana Burke, l initiator of MeToo.

As much as it defends, Time’s Up’s modus operandi marks a turning point. Celebrity procrastination (dead letter threatens to leave the country) and barren Trump bashing from the beginning follows this collective movement, much like the civil rights movement in the 1960s; a pragmatic and effective movement, with two hundred lawyers who, for example, provide legal support on its website to any woman who wishes to file a complaint about sexual harassment.

Time’s Up will also become a game changer in terms of recording. According to the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film, in 2018-2019, women exceeded “the historic 30%” in key industry roles (producer, actress, director, etc.). 5% more than for MeToo, even if we are still far, very far from parity.

Find all episodes of our “Culture against Trump” series:

>> Episode 1: What relationship does Donald Trump have with culture?

>> Episode 2: How the “Trump Culture” Invaded America

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